INFO 04-10 16:42:37,624 - Using schema INFO 04-10 16:42:37,624 - Paging size: 1000, archiving retries: 1. INFO 04-10 16:42:37,624 - Creating database connection and counting records... INFO 04-10 16:42:37,775 - Total number of records: 101. INFO 04-10 16:42:37,775 - Using dataset-aware archiving for this schema. Retrieving dataset list... INFO 04-10 16:42:37,905 - 1 dataset found. Using no dataset filter. INFO 04-10 16:42:37,905 - Archiving IBF Monitoring of Orthoptera DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - BioCASe Request: Type=search, reqSchema=, resSchema=, filter=None, count=0, start=0, limit=1000, scan element=, doc= DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 -
DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - False DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 -
INFO 04-10 16:42:37,906 - Retrieving records 1 - 1,000 DEBUG 04-10 16:42:37,906 - 1 INFO 04-10 16:42:40,219 - 101 records archived (0 dropped, total hits: 101) - 100% INFO 04-10 16:42:40,350 - End of dataset. 101 out of 101 records archived (0 dropped). INFO 04-10 16:42:40,355 - Done for all datasets. 101 out of 101 records archived (0 dropped). INFO 04-10 16:42:40,355 - Removing old archives and moving new files to download folder... INFO 04-10 16:42:40,356 - Moving files ... INFO 04-10 16:42:40,356 - Updating inventory... INFO 04-10 16:42:40,357 - SUCCESS: Archiving process finished.